Explore below APIs to integrate Eklavvya Assessment Platform with your system
API Documentation
1. Create Subject(Course) API
Description: To create new question firstly subject i.e. course should be created.
Method: POST
“authenticationkey”:” Will be provided at the time of integration”
This authentication key belongs to my personal institute on LIVE. When any client’s institute is created on Eklavvya LIVE site then this key will be changed. There will be separate authentication key for each client.
Input/output Content Type: JSON
Sr. No. | Name | Data Type | Is Required | Description |
1 | SubjectName | String | Yes | Subject for which questions will be added |
Test case:
Subject name should be unique.
Sr. No. | Name | Data Type | Description |
1 | SubjectID | Long | Created Subject ID |
2 | Message | String | If any exception not occurred then value of Message will be ‘SUCCESS’ otherwise it will be customized error message |
3 | objStatusCodes | INT | Indicates status of API output 1 = Success 2 = Error 3 = Required field empty |
2. Update Subject API
Description: This API is used to update particular Subject.
Method: POST
“authenticationkey”:” Will be provided at the time of integration”
This authentication key belongs to my personal institute on LIVE. When any client’s institute is created on Eklavvya LIVE site then this key will be changed. There will be separate authentication key for each client.
Input/output Content Type: JSON
Sr. No. | Name | Data Type | Is Required | Description |
1 | SubejctID | Long | yes | Subject ID is for particular Subject |
2 | SubjectName | string | yes | Subject Name |
Sr. No. | Name | Data Type | Description |
1 | Subject ID | Long | It shows updated Subject ID |
2 | Message | String | If any exception not occurred then value of Message will be ‘SUCCESS’ otherwise it will be customized error message |
3 | objStatusCodes | Int | Indicates status of API output 1 = Success 2 = Error 3 = Required field empty |
3. Get Subject API
Description: This API is used to get all subject. Which are present with in institute or you can get Subject while searching Subject name
Method: POST
“authenticationkey”:” Will be provided at the time of integration”
This authentication key belongs to my personal institute on LIVE. When any client’s institute is created on Eklavvya LIVE site then this key will be changed. There will be separate authentication key for each client.
Input/output Content Type: JSON
Sr. No. | Name | Data Type | Is Required | Description |
1 | InstituteID | Long | Either One of them is required | Institute ID for particular Institute |
2 | SubjectName | string | Subject Name is used for searching |
Sr. No. | Name | Data Type | Description |
1 | Subject ID | Long | It shows Subject ID |
2 | Subject Name | String | It show Subject Name |
3 | Message | String | If any exception not occurred then value of Message will be ‘SUCCESS’ otherwise it will be customized error message |
4 | objStatusCodes | Int | Indicates status of API output 1 = Success 2 = Error 3 = Required field empty |
4. Deactivate Subject API
Description: This API is used to deactivate selected subject.
Method: POST
“authenticationkey”:” Will be provided at the time of integration”
This authentication key belongs to my personal institute on LIVE. When any client’s institute is created on Eklavvya LIVE site then this key will be changed. There will be separate authentication key for each client.
Input/output Content Type: JSON
Sr. No. | Name | Data Type | Is Required | Description |
1 | CategoryID | Long | yes | Category ID is for particular Subject |
2 | CategoryName | string | yes | Category Name (Subject Name) |
Sr. No. | Name | Data Type | Description |
1 | Category Name | string | It shows deleted Subject Name |
2 | Message | String | If any exception not occurred then value of Message will be ‘SUCCESS’ otherwise it will be customized error message |
3 | objStatusCodes | Int | Indicates status of API output 1 = Success 2 = Error 3 = Required field empty |
5. Add topic API
Description: To Add Topic on particular Subject
Method: POST
“authenticationkey”:” Will be provided at the time of integration”
This authentication key belongs to my personal institute on LIVE. When any client’s institute is created on Eklavvya LIVE site then this key will be changed. There will be separate authentication key for each client.
Input/output Content Type: JSON
Sr. No. | Name | Data Type | Is Required | Description |
1 | Subject ID | int | Either One of them is required | Subject ID is unique Id for each subject so you can use either subject ID or Subject Name to add new topic. |
2 | Subject Name | string | Subject Name is used to add topic in particular subject using Subject Name we make sure that Topic is add under Specified Subject. |
3 | Topic Name | string | yes | Topic Name is used to add Topic under given Subject Name this is required to add a topic. |
Sr. No. | Name | Data Type | Description |
1 | Message | string | If any exception not occurred then value of Message will be ‘SUCCESS’ otherwise it will be customized error message |
2 | Object Status Code | int | Indicates status of API output 1 = Success 2 = Error 3 = Required field empty |
3 | Topic ID | int | When New Topic add new Topic ID will be created. |
6. Update topic API
Description: This API is used to update particular Topic.
Method: POST
“authenticationkey”:” Will be provided at the time of integration”
This authentication key belongs to my personal institute on LIVE. When any client’s institute is created on Eklavvya LIVE site then this key will be changed. There will be separate authentication key for each client.
Input/output Content Type: JSON
Sr. No. | Name | Data Type | Is Required | Description |
1 | TopicID | Long | yes | Topic ID is for particular Subject |
2 | TopicName | string | yes | Topic Name |
Sr. No. | Name | Data Type | Description |
1 | Topic ID | Long | It shows updated Topic ID |
2 | Message | String | If any exception not occurred then value of Message will be ‘SUCCESS’ otherwise it will be customized error message |
3 | objStatusCodes | Int | Indicates status of API output 1 = Success 2 = Error 3 = Required field empty |
7. Get topic API
Description: This API is used to get all Topic. Which are present with in particular Subject
Method: POST
“authenticationkey”:” Will be provided at the time of integration”
This authentication key belongs to my personal institute on LIVE. When any client’s institute is created on Eklavvya LIVE site then this key will be changed. There will be separate authentication key for each client.
Input/output Content Type: JSON
Sr. No. | Name | Data Type | Is Required | Description |
1 | SubjectID | Long | Either One of them is required | Subject ID for particular Subject |
2 | SubjectName | string | Subject Name is used for searching |
Sr. No. | Name | Data Type | Description |
1 | Topic ID | Long | It shows Topic ID |
2 | Topic Name | String | It show Topic Name |
3 | Message | String | If any exception not occurred then value of Message will be ‘SUCCESS’ otherwise it will be customized error message |
4 | objStatusCodes | Int | Indicates status of API output 1 = Success 2 = Error 3 = Required field empty |
8. Create objective/subjective question API
Description: To add the objective/subjective question
Method: POST
“authenticationkey”:” Will be provided at the time of integration”
This authentication key belongs to my personal institute on LIVE. When any client’s institute is created on Eklavvya LIVE site then this key will be changed. There will be separate authentication key for each client.
Input/output Content Type: JSON
Sr. No. | Name | Data Type | Is Required | Description |
1 | SubejctID | Long | Yes | Subject ID to identify the subject |
2 | SubjectName | string | Yes | Subject Name to identify the subject |
3 | TopicID | Long | Yes | Topic ID to identify the topic |
4 | TopicName | string | Yes | Topic Name to identify the topic |
5 | QuestionType | string | Yes | Question Type (MCQ , FILL IN BANKS, TRUE OR FALSE, MATCH THE PAIR , MULTISELECT, SUBJECTIVE ) |
6 | DifficultyLevel | string | No | Difficulty Level (BASIC, EASY, MODERATE, HARD, DIFFICULT, Default: Basic) |
7 | Question | string | Yes | Question which on to added |
8 | Image | string | No | URL of Image for the question |
9 | Audio | string | No | URL of Audio for the question |
10 | Video | string | No | URL of Video for the question |
11 | Marks | int | Yes | Marks for the question |
12 | Option1 | string | Yes | Option 1 for question |
13 | OptionImage1 | string | No | URL of Image of Option 1 for question |
14 | IsOption1Correct | bit | Yes | Is Option1 is Correct for question |
15 | OptionMarks1 | int | No | Marks of Option 1 for question |
16 | Option2 | string | No | Option 2 for question |
17 | OptionImage2 | string | No | URL of Image of Option 2 for question |
18 | IsOption2Correct | bit | No | Is Option2 is Correct for question |
19 | OptionMarks2 | int | No | Marks of Option 2 for question |
20 | Option3 | string | No | Option 3 for question |
21 | OptionImage3 | string | No | URL of Image of Option 3 for question |
22 | IsOption3Correct | bit | No | Is Option3 is Correct for question |
23 | OptionMarks3 | int | No | Marks of Option 3 for question |
24 | Option4 | string | No | Option 4 for question |
25 | OptionImage4 | string | No | URL of Image of Option 4 for question |
26 | IsOption4Correct | bit | No | Is Option4 is Correct for question |
27 | OptionMarks4 | int | No | Marks of Option 4 for question |
28 | Option5Text | string | No | Option 5 for question |
29 | OptionImage5 | string | No | URL of Image of Option 5 for question |
30 | IsOption5Correct | bit | No | Is Option5 is Correct for question |
31 | OptionMarks5 | int | No | Marks of Option 5 for question |
32 | ModelAnswer | string | No | Model Answer |
Sr No | Name | DataType | Description |
1 | Message | String | Message for success |
2 | objStatusCodes | Int | Indicates status of API output 1 = Success 2 = Error 3 = Required field empty |
3 | QuestionID | Long | New question created QuestionID |
9. Create multiple objective/subjective question API
Description: To add multiple objective/subjective question
Method: POST
“authenticationkey”:” Will be provided at the time of integration”
This authentication key belongs to my personal institute on LIVE. When any client’s institute is created on Eklavvya LIVE site then this key will be changed. There will be separate authentication key for each client.
Input/output Content Type: JSON
Sr. No. | Name | Data Type | Is Required | Description |
1 | SubejctID | Long | Yes | Subject ID to identify the subject |
2 | SubjectName | string | Yes | Subject Name to identify the subject |
3 | TopicID | Long | Yes | Topic ID to identify the topic |
4 | TopicName | string | Yes | Topic Name to identify the topic |
5 | QuestionType | string | Yes | Question Type (MCQ , FILL IN BANKS, TRUE OR FALSE, MATCH THE PAIR , MULTISELECT, SUBJECTIVE ) |
6 | DifficultyLevel | string | No | Difficulty Level (BASIC, EASY, MODERATE, HARD, DIFFICULT, Default: Basic) |
7 | Question | string | Yes | Question which on to added |
8 | Image | string | No | URL of Image for the question |
9 | Audio | string | No | URL of Audio for the question |
10 | Video | string | No | URL of Video for the question |
11 | Marks | int | Yes | Marks for the question |
12 | Option1 | string | Yes | Option 1 for question |
13 | OptionImage1 | string | No | URL of Image of Option 1 for question |
14 | IsOption1Correct | bit | Yes | Is Option1 is Correct for question |
15 | OptionMarks1 | int | No | Marks of Option 1 for question |
16 | Option2 | string | No | Option 2 for question |
17 | OptionImage2 | string | No | URL of Image of Option 2 for question |
18 | IsOption2Correct | bit | No | Is Option2 is Correct for question |
19 | OptionMarks2 | int | No | Marks of Option 2 for question |
20 | Option3 | string | No | Option 3 for question |
21 | OptionImage3 | string | No | URL of Image of Option 3 for question |
22 | IsOption3Correct | bit | No | Is Option3 is Correct for question |
23 | OptionMarks3 | int | No | Marks of Option 3 for question |
24 | Option4 | string | No | Option 4 for question |
25 | OptionImage4 | string | No | URL of Image of Option 4 for question |
26 | IsOption4Correct | bit | No | Is Option4 is Correct for question |
27 | OptionMarks4 | int | No | Marks of Option 4 for question |
28 | Option5Text | string | No | Option 5 for question |
29 |